I just sent this to Barbara Lee, my current representative in Oakland, California Senators Boxer and Feinstein, and the President. Join me:
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Jordan Weissman just published an article in the Atlantic called "The Most Obvious Tax Reform Idea." It's about the subsidies the oil and gas industries receive. It's not enough alone to pay down our debts, of course, but it has symbolic value as corruption to many Americans.
These industries have been making huge profits for years while the high cost of their products make life harder for Americans that depend on them. The industry seems rife with collusion, and this subsidy seems like more padding in the investment portfolios of the wealthy. What's worse is that Americans have been talking about getting rid of this subsidy for years now, so it seems that the government is getting bribed through campaign contributions or brainwashed by lobbyists to ignore the demand of the public.
If Republicans are holding this up, keep making them show this in public by having them vote on it. (I've emailed my congressional representative and the President as well). Then do your best to get the word out to the media - send it to the Atlantic for a follow-up piece. Keep showing the U.S. that the Republicans who are complaining about big government waste and suggesting that Democrats are responsible for raising taxes are lying about their priorities.
I know a lot of educated, charismatic, politically-active voters, and this is the sort of action they can say good things about to quell the cynicism. I know you've taken stands on other progressive issues. You just need a new one every month - ideally one you can win - to keep the hope alive.
Good Luck to you and all the staff that support you.
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